
「Magical Sempai」Anime Reviews




Rating ★★☆☆☆ (57 points) 12 episodes

Synopsis: A certain freshman male student enrolls in Tanenashi High School. Since club activities are compulsory for students at Tanenashi High School, the boy who wanted to be a member of the so-called “homecoming club” is forced to look for a club activity.

Lovable heroine who is no good

Based on a manga work serialized in the Weekly Shonen Magazine.
Directed by Fumiaki Usui, produced by Leyden Film.

Puke in 3 seconds after meeting


Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha / Tejin Senpai Production Committee

The heroine of this work is terribly shy.
She is also a communist, which is why she is so nervous and shy as soon as she meets the hero in the club room.
As soon as she meets the hero in the club room, she vomits out of nervousness and embarrassment (laughs).
She may be the fastest vomiting heroine in the history of anime.

She is the only member of the “magic club” and the head of the third year.
However, she can’t do magic tricks. She confidently performs various magic tricks for the hero.
She confidently performs various magic tricks for the protagonist, but they all fail.
When he tries to get out of the rope, he is tied up and can’t get out.
When he tries to get a pigeon out, the pigeon runs away. He is an incredibly screwed up kid (laughs).

He knows the magic trick itself, but he is so screwed up that he fails at every trick.
We see her failures through the eyes of her assistant, who is also the main character and a new student.
It’s an anime where the viewers can enjoy her failures as they poke fun at her.
In the first episode, the direction of this work and what it wants to do can be clearly seen.

Punchy and cute


Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha / Hand Puppet Senpai Production Committee

Eighty percent of this work is made up of the cuteness of the “senpai”.
He tries his best to do magic tricks, but he gets soaked and his clothes fall off.
She tries her best to do magic tricks, but she gets soaking wet and her clothes come off.
This indescribable “clunkiness” is adorable.
The word “adorable” is more appropriate than “cute” for this heroine.

She has no friends, she’s all alone, she’s a bit annoying to the hero, and she’s even more annoying when she tries to make up for her mistakes.
The way she tries to make up for her mistakes and ends up failing even more is really not good (laughs).
The more the story progresses, the more I get attached to her.
The more the story progresses, the more I become attached to her.

The sexy scenes are also very well done.
Although there are a lot of elements that could be called “clothed eroticism” rather than direct eroticism
The lasciviousness of the magician’s senpai, depicted in glossy drawings, is a moderately extreme eroticism.
However, the eroticism of the senpai is moderately extreme, and because it is not too extreme, the eroticism becomes a gag.
There is a good balance between gag and sexiness, and you can’t help but grin in moderation.

Magic tricks


Quote: © Azu, Kodansha/The Magician Senpai Production Committee

In this work, a senior magician shows us all kinds of magic tricks.
I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not.
There is a good point that the magic tricks are so simple that they can be easily explained, but they also fail.
But the level of the magic tricks is low to begin with.

I’m not sure if this is what you’re getting at in this review.
I wonder if this will be understood by the people reading this review, but the magic tricks are just like those sold in service areas for children.
I’m not sure if you can tell from this review, but the magic tricks are just like those sold at service areas for children.
I had a classmate when I was a kid who used to do these tricks.
These are the kind of magic tricks that my classmates used to perform during recess when I was a kid.

I felt a strange sense of nostalgia.
It’s the kind of magic that professional magicians wouldn’t perform on TV because it’s too childish.
But they are the kind of magic tricks that your friends might have bought for you to perform when you were a kid.
These are the kinds of magic tricks that I remember from my childhood.

Of course, there are authentic magic tricks such as pigeon magic and “skewering” magic.
Of course, there were some real magic tricks such as pigeon magic and “skewering” magic.

Raging tempo


Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha/The Magician Senpai Production Committee

This work is 15 minutes per episode.
However, it is made in such a way that it is practically a 3-minute anime per episode.
There are about five episodes in each episode.
It’s like a four-frame manga, with a solid storyline that unfolds at a convulsive pace.
It’s like a four-frame manga, but the story unfolds at a fast pace.

The story unfolds at a convoluted tempo.
This is why the characters talk a little too fast, but their rapid speech encourages the “magician senpai” to panic when their magic tricks fail, and the “magician senpai” to panic when their magic tricks fail.
This prevents the viewer from feeling “dull,” which is the worst thing to do in a gag anime.
The tempo of the story is so good that it makes you laugh halfheartedly.
It is a perfect match for the character of “Senpai the Magician”.

I’ve never seen an anime where the tempo and characterization match so well.
It’s hard to find a work in anime where tempo and characterization match so well.
The story is only 15 minutes long, but the production staff’s good sense is evident in the way they structured the story as if it were a 3-minute anime.
This is a glimpse of the good sense of the production staff.

New character


Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha / Hand Puppet Senpai Production Committee

Basically, in the beginning, the story revolves around just the two of them, the senior and the assistant.
But when the story gets to the middle, new characters appear.
The advisor, the chemistry club member who lends us the science preparation room that is also used as the club room.
There is also a senior member of the chemistry club who lends us the science preparation room, a gal, and a fat guy.

In this kind of gag anime, when they run out of material, they often introduce new characters.
This work is no exception, and the gags in the closed space of the club room with the senior and his assistant are very interesting in the beginning.
But from the middle of the story, with the addition of two club members
But from the middle of the story, with the addition of two new club members, the atmosphere changes somewhat from the beginning.

There are many “just the two of us” stories even with the new club members, but
This is often more interesting as a simple story.
The story is about a senior student and his assistant, a couple who have added an extra element to their comic story.
In the beginning of the series, there were no gags, but in the middle of the series, there was a wave of “hit or miss”.
This is not the case in the beginning.

Although the “senior member of the chemistry club” has been in the story since the beginning
But there are only a few episodes in which she appears.
It’s a shame because she’s such a cute character.
I felt it was a waste of time.
The heroine’s sister and other characters also seem to be overwhelmed, and the use of characters is a bit poor.



Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha / Tejin Senpai Production Committee

Although this is unavoidable due to the nature of “gag anime”.
The story is patterned to a certain extent, so it becomes a bit of a rut.
It was supposed to be a new character to avoid a rut.
However, it makes the story more unpredictable.

Towards the end of the episode, there were some episodes with weak “punchlines”.
Because each episode is only about three minutes long, the momentum of these weak episodes and
There is also a large part that the momentum of the rut is a bit of a distraction.

The last episode of the first school year ended with the feeling that it had barely fallen into a rut.
It’s an interesting work, but because it is straightforward and easy to understand
It’s an interesting work, but because it’s so straightforward and easy to understand
It’s an interesting work, but because its fun is straightforward and easy to understand, when various characters are added or situations are changed, the basic fun of the work fades away.

Review: How about gags and moderate eroticism?

Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha / Tejin Senpai Production Committee

While overall, the episodes are hit or miss, and there’s a bit of a rut towards the end.
However, because it’s only 3 minutes per episode, you can enjoy the cuteness of the “magician senpai” who is left to his own devices.
She is so lovable that she fails every time because of her agitation and her screw-ups.
The way she fails and ends up being “sexy” is just the right amount of eroticism.
The way she fails and ends up being “sexy” creates a good amount of eroticism and stylistic beauty in the form of gags.

The story is a pattern.
A senior magician performs a magic trick for his assistant in the club room, but he fails due to his shyness.
It turns out to be a bit sexy. This is the pattern for 80% of the stories (laughs).
But it’s not the story of the new character or the outing.
(laughs) But more interesting than the stories of new characters and their outings is the one-pattern development that makes up 80% of this work.

The relationship between the senior magician and his assistant, which never turns into a romantic relationship, is also very funny.
The assistant’s straightforward and dirty mind towards the senior magician as an adolescent boy, and
The relationship between the heroine and her assistant is also very funny.
The relationship and distance between the hero and heroine is just right and interesting.
The distance between the hero and heroine is just right, and the fact that the relationship never turns into a romantic one makes it feel comfortable.

The story structure is also wonderful, with five episodes in one school year, each of which is 15 minutes long and each episode is about three minutes long.
The story structure of five episodes is also wonderful.
The story structure of five episodes in one cool episode is also excellent, and the rut and the unevenness of the stories are disguised with momentum.
The somewhat fast-talking dialogues of the characters also fit the characters of this work.
The rather fast-talking dialogue of the characters fits the characters of this work.

It’s a gag anime, so there are some things that can’t be helped.
There are also some elements of “a little eroticism” that may be liked or disliked by different people.
It is a work that can be liked or disliked by different people.

However, the eroticism and gags of the senior magician, which are drawn without any restrictions
If you like the first episode, you can enjoy it until the end.
If you like it, you can enjoy it until the end.

Personal Thoughts: A little eroticism is good


Quotes from: © Azu, Kodansha / Teshin Senpai Production Committee

The sexy scenes of the magician senpai are really just right.
It’s like they’re attacking the line just before it becomes funny.
If it were any more extreme, it would be too erotic, but it’s just one step ahead of that.

The only thing I regret is that the story is not as good as the middle part.
However, thanks to the good tempo, I was able to enjoy this work easily for a whole school year.
Personally, I would have liked to see more episodes with the senior members of the chemistry club, but
I’d like to enjoy the rest of the story in the original.


